Claude Amar

Managing Partner

Claude Amar has been a mediator since 2002. He has been involved in over 1,000 complex disputes, both long-standing and multi-party (over 80 parties), in France and internationally. His professional experience enables him to be highly creative in finding solutions “outside the box”. Since 2020, Claude has been recognized as a Global Elite & Thought Leader for mediation in France by Who’s Who Legal.

Claude Amar is a DPLG architect (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris) and attended the finance course at INSEAD, Fontainebleau. He specializes in hotel development worldwide. He is also founder and chairman of the EyeTech Foundation, dedicated to the fight against cataract-related blindness.

He was trained in mediation by Gary Friedman at the Center for Mediation in Law in San Francisco and attended Harvard Law School’s Program On Negotiation, directed by Robert Mnookin.

He is a certified mediator by IMI (International Mediation Institute), SIMI (Singapore International Mediation Institute) and IFCM (Institut Français de Certification des Médiateurs). He is accredited by numerous appeal courts and institutions, including ICC France, HKMC (Hong Kong Mediation Council), SIMC (Singapore International Mediation Centre), JIMC (Japan International Mediation Centre) and CMCC (Centre de Médiation Civile et Commerciale – Luxembourg).

Claude Amar helped set up the Espace d’accès à la médiation, a mediation access center for people in difficulty, in partnership with Droit d’urgence and the Abbé Pierre Foundation. He co-founded Médiation Studio, an association of professional mediators. He is Chairman of the Académie de la Médiation, a member of the IMI Standards Commission, a member of the Board of Governors and Distinguished Fellow of the IAM (International Academy of Mediators), and Chairman of the IFCM (Institut français de certification des médiateurs).

“I am delighted with this positive outcome and sincerely thank Mr. Mediator for his role as facilitator in this case.”

“This mediation was a unique opportunity to rebuild a relationship with the opposing party, and we owe it all to you.”

“Mr. Mediator, thank you. You were able to find the right words to foster this climate of conciliation.”

“My client and I would like to thank you for the quality of the meeting you organized, which enabled us to settle the dispute.

“I would like to thank you … for the quality of your welcome and your attentiveness.

“Monsieur Amar and Madame Goujard have a good grasp of their role as mediators. From the outset, they created a calm climate and enabled the parties to listen to each other better, to agree on shared objectives and find solutions that satisfied everyone. The mediation not only led to an agreement, but also to the continuation of the project, with good momentum and avenues for improvement that continue to be implemented by the protagonists”.
(A multi-year project costing 80M€)

Contact Claude Amar

email. :
phone. : +33 1 44 34 08 88
9 rue de l'Amiral Hamelin
75116 Paris
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