Many conflicts could be avoided if a mediator were present from the outset of a business relationship. Parties would be less likely to fall into certain pitfalls that could lead to a sub-optimal agreement. MEDIATION & RESOLUTION assists parties in concluding commercial agreements and helps them reach the best possible deal, thanks to Deal Mediation.

 Véronique Fraser – Claude Amar : Deal Mediation

Deal Mediation is a process of negotiation facilitated by a neutral third party, for commercial transactions in which no dispute has yet arisen. The deal mediator is an independent and impartial third party who, without giving his or her opinion or exercising any decision-making power, is able to capitalize on his or her experience and know-how to reveal the interests of all parties concerned.

The strength of a deal mediator lies in his or her ability to identify the interests of each party and assist them in devising solutions that satisfy everyone’s interests. His exhaustive understanding of the agreement is crucial, and can also help to thwart potential misunderstandings by clarifying different points of view, or help the parties to correctly assess the risks involved.

The deal mediator works to ensure that the agreement, whatever it may be, carries the highest possible value for each party, and helps the parties to allocate each risk in the business relationship to the party best equipped to manage and control it. This realistic allocation ensures the efficiency and duration of the agreement, reduces costs and creates better relationships.

In this way, the deal mediator helps to design the best possible agreement and prevent future conflicts, acting in this respect like an insurance policy.

Isn’t the best way to resolve a conflict to prevent it?


Lasting Mergers helps parties involved in an M&A deal to reach the best possible agreement, by bringing out the needs and interests of each party.


Throughout the process, the mediator ensures that the construction site runs smoothly and on schedule.

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