Duty of care is an obligation on companies to be vigilant in all their activities, and to respect a standard of “due diligence”. Human rights due diligence” is cited in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. It refers to an ongoing management procedure that a reasonable and prudent company must carry out in order to respect human rights.

MEDIATION & RESOLUTION supports multinational companies with more than 5,000 employees in France or 10,000 internationally in their duty of care.

The law of March 27, 2017 now requires these companies to draw up and effectively implement a vigilance plan, the scope of which can be complex to grasp.
This plan contains in particular:

• risk mapping;
• regular assessment procedures for the value chain;
• preventive or mitigating actions;
• an alert and reporting mechanism;
• a system for monitoring the measures applied and their effectiveness;

Including MEDIATION & RESOLUTION in a company’s due diligence plan, and thus making room for the mediation process, is a strong demonstration of the attention paid to environmental, social and governance criteria within the company.

Here, mediation can help companies to put in place an effective long-term plan, and to develop appropriate measures for identifying and resolving breaches of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

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